Parent Portal App

Classes – Billing – Notifications

The Parent Portal App offers a seamless and intuitive platform for you to manage your child’s class registrations, schedules, payments, and communication with teachers and administrators.
To get started with the Parent Portal App, download and install the app from the app store. You can do so by following these links:

 iPhone –

Android –

 Once installed, launch the app to begin. You will be prompted to log in to your account.

What customers can see & edit when logged into the Parent Portal:

  • A personal Dashboard, showing you the upcoming classes your students are taking part in as well as any recent payments made by you.
  • From the dashboard, you can also create new students or view the students you are have already registered.
  • Your profile. On this page, you can set up, view and update all of your personal information.
  • The student/s linked to you. You can update their details and add an image for them. You can also create new students.
  • Add extra contacts. You may have other family members who you would like linked to your account for emergency contact reasons. You can add as many as necessary.
  • View the upcoming classes your children are booked onto with details such as venue, teacher, time, date, etc. All in chronological order.
  • View your full invoice history, with the invoice status and with the ability to download as a pdf. If you have online payments set up this is where you will be able to pay. 
  • View your full payment history to Stageskool.